Typical roof-problems![](typo3temp/GB/56239d82d1.png)
Depending on the sun´s angle and geographical position a roof is bombarded by approximately 1200 Watts of solar energy.
The roof transforms that energy (depending on angle, colour and material) to peak temperatures of around 75-80 °C and the top material expands heavily under the heat - even in Germany a normal flat roof can expand by up to 10 cm.
The popular bitumen roof sheeting layers are still elastic in the beginning, as well as the foils directly underneath. After a few years of daily expanding-shrinking-expanding and a constant suffering from UV-rays, most of the plasticizers will be gone and the material turns brittle.
In many cases moisture from the roof construction has been vaporised by the heat already came up with incredibly power and lifted the tar sheetin bubbles all over the roof - that even increases the expansion in that area.
After a short resistanc the bitumen gives in and rips open at the seams - that is extremely good news for the roofer, since another one or two winters with moisture entering through the gap and freezing inside the roofs structure will surely do enough damage to create some nice business for him.
All this is avoidable, since CoolDry effectively reflects solar energy (tested and confirmed by DEKRA) as well as UV-rays, prevents the heating process and the aging by UV and even seals hairline-cracks during application. As a result CoolDry expands the lifetime of a roof significantly.